Featured Products
Faded Long Sleeve Shirt
Cheddar Bomb Jersey
Custom Tech T-Shirt
Microfiber Towel
Fleece Blanket
Team Gear
Printed, Cut, and Sewn in Milwaukee Wisconsin.
Customer Reviews and Recommendations
“ShirtsandLogos.com out of Milwaukee, WI have been our team uniform and apparel sponsor for a number of years. We always get top of line, good looking and comfortable sublimated uniforms/apparel that match their quick turn around time and customer service. Excellent quality!”
David Van Sleet – Google Review
“Received my daughters custom Team USA jersey & it came out so awesome, the printing is fantastic! She will be one happy girl on Christmas Day!!”
Christina Ortiz Luttig – Facebook Reccomendation
“Excellent Customer Service! I ordered a jersey knowing that I would be pushed against the shipping deadline. When my timeframe was getting too close for comfort, I sent a quick email and got an instant reply. The jersey arrived shortly there after. I was highly impressed! And the quality of the jersey is awesome as well! Thank you!”
Laura Smith Lan – Facebook Recommendation
“Great service, the best sports uniform company is the US. The quality of work is amazing! Fast shipping as well. Highly recommend to all sports teams in need of uniforms.”
Derek Young – Facebook Recommendation
“Couldn’t ask for a better overall experience!”